Cost of Living Calculator

Use our handy and simple online calculator to compare the cost of living in two different cities

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How to use Cost of Living Calculator

Step 1

Launch one of our applications by clicking on the button above the gray box at the top of the page

Step 2

Use the application following the instructions indicated inside, make all the necessary calculations

Step 3

If for some reason you do not like the application, try others by clicking on other buttons, they have slight differences

What is Cost of Living, why and how it is calculated and who needs to do it

Need help determining your place of residence and work? The cost of living calculator can help you take the right measures. If you have just arrived in the US or a new state, you may find that the cost of living is higher or lower than you expected. Use this calculator to find out your income and expenses. How much will it cost to move to a new city? Change your current salary to the level of the new city and make sure that you will have enough salary to live a happy life. If you enter how much of a living wage is needed in the current city, you will get approximate information about how much of a living wage is needed in another city.

This Cost of Living Calculator (COLA Calculator) calculates both past and present cost of living based on research from the American Institute for Economic Research. The Cost of Living Calculator is a tool that will show you the prices that can be compared between two different cities, as well as the most common expenses. You can compare accommodation, transportation options, entertainment, and more. The cost of living estimate and index is one way to compare the total prices of goods and services between different regions of the United States.

We use the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and wage differentials in more than 300 U.S. cities to provide you with a cost-wage comparison. Let us help you make an informed decision about the cost of living and working in the city of your dreams. Use our comprehensive calculator to compare the cost of living between US cities and the national average. Determine how much is needed to maintain a similar standard of living. The cost of living calculator will give you the equal income you need to maintain your current standard of living. Just enter your salary and position, as well as your current location and the city where you are considering moving.

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